Monday, August 22, 2011

Java Tips - Formatting Numbers

The java.text package includes a Locale class, and, furthermore, the Java runtime automatically sets a default Locale object based on the user's environment; e.g., on the Macintosh and Windows, the user's preferences; on Unix, the user's environment variables. To provide formatters customized for numbers, currencies, and percentages, the NumberFormat class has static factory methods that normally return a DecimalFormat with the correct pattern already instantiated. A DecimalFormat object appropriate to the user's locale can be obtained from the factory method NumberFormat.getInstance( ) and manipulated using set methods. Surprisingly, the method setMinimumIntegerDigits( ) turns out to be the easy way to generate a number format with leading zeros. Here is an example:
import java.text.*;

import java.util.*;


 * Format a number our way and the default way.


public class NumFormat2 {

    /** A number to format */

    public static final double data[] = {

        0, 1, 22d/7, 100.2345678


    /** The main (and only) method in this class. */

    public static void main(String av[]) { 

        // Get a format instance

        NumberFormat form = NumberFormat.getInstance( );

        // Set it to look like 999.99[99]




        // Now print using it.

        for (int i=0; i<data.length; i++)

            System.out.println(data[i] + "\tformats as " +




This prints the contents of the array using the NumberFormat instance form:
$ java NumFormat2

0.0     formats as 000.00

1.0     formats as 001.00

3.142857142857143       formats as 003.1429

100.2345678     formats as 100.2346


You can also construct a DecimalFormat with a particular pattern or change the pattern dynamically using applyPattern( ). Some of the more common pattern characters are shown in the following.

# = Numeric digit (leading zeros suppressed)
0 = Numeric digit (leading zeros provided)
. = Locale-specific decimal separator (decimal point)
, = Locale-specific grouping separator (comma in English)
- = Locale-specific negative indicator (minus sign)
% = Shows the value as a percentage
; = Separates two formats: the first for positive and the second for negative values
, = Escapes one of the above characters so it appears

The NumFormatTest program uses one DecimalFormat to print a number with only two decimal places and a second to format the number according to the default locale:

/** A number to format */ 

public static final double intlNumber = 1024.25; 

/** Another number to format */ 

public static final double ourNumber = 100.2345678; 

NumberFormat defForm = NumberFormat.getInstance( ); 

NumberFormat ourForm = new DecimalFormat("##0.##"); 

// toPattern( ) shows the combination of #0., etc 

// that this particular local uses to format with 

System.out.println("defForm's pattern is " + 

    ((DecimalFormat)defForm).toPattern( )); 

System.out.println(intlNumber + " formats as " + 


System.out.println(ourNumber + " formats as " + 


System.out.println(ourNumber + " formats as " + 

    defForm.format(ourNumber) + " using the default format");

This program prints the given pattern and then formats the same number using several formats:
defForm's pattern is #,##0.###

1024.25 formats as 1,024.25

100.2345678 formats as 100.23

100.2345678 formats as 100.235 using the default format   

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